Pause, Maybe Adjust

So often, we go full throttle ahead, we don’t pause and adjust when things are not looking like they make sense. We stick to the plan, we believe we have a plan for a reason — and we do, and where is there room to respond to what is happening around us, where is there space to breathe and adjust?

Today, Turkey and Syra were heavily impacted by a 7.3 magnitude earthquake, and 2300 are dead as a result.

Russian attacks intensify in the Ukraine.

Our headlines are riddled with suffering.

Humans are hurting, humans are dying, and our planet is too- while today may look like business as usual for your organization, perhaps the context of our complex world and lives can be taken into consideration when we go into conversation with one another. Perhaps we can bring a little more tenderness, a little more care — it might just make a difference.

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